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Wacaco Minipresso NS

Wacaco Minipresso NS

Regular price
Rs. 4,799.00
Sale price
Rs. 4,799.00
Regular price
Rs. 4,799.00
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The Minipresso NS is your best choice to enjoy delicious espresso quickly and efficiently wherever you are.

With access to hot water and Bellissimo Coffee biodegradable PODs, the Minipresso makes for the best travel espresso machine. The coffee is ground, measured and tamped with high precision, there is very little left for error.

Your espresso looks great and taste fantastic every time. We are a big fan of this tiny travel coffee maker!

Wacaco Minipresso NS - Portable Espresso Machine | Bellissimo Coffee
Wacaco Minipresso NS, Portable Espresso Machine, Compatible Nespresso  Original Capsules and Compatibles, Coffee Maker - VISHAL ECOMS